Academic Support » Academic Resources

Academic Resources

Academic Support websites

Khan Academy
Video tutorials for when you need an explanation but can't talk with a teacher

Get Help With Your Homework at MHS!

Cavalier Achievement Program (CAP)
The CAP program offers students an opportunity to improve grades by completing missing or alternative assignments, retaking tests, and/or getting extra instruction.

Remember, if you have a D in any A-G course on your transcript, check with your counselor to find how to remediate a D or take the course again. For now, Improve your grades!

CAP Schedule (PDF)

MHS After School Tutoring (MAST)

Montclair High School offers free tutoring every day after school!
The library is open from 3-5pm Monday –Thursday for assistance in Math and English. Other teachers provide help in Science, Foreign Language, and Social Studies. Get a schedule from the Guidance Office. Stay tuned for the new After School Tutoring Schedule!
MAST Schedule (PDF)

Harvey Mudd Homework Hotline
Stay up to date with Homework Hotline by visiting the Harvey Mudd Homework Hotline website, or find it on Twitter.

Students needing math or science tutoring can call September through May, Sunday - Thursday, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. toll-free at 1-877-8AskHMC (1-800-827-5462)

Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a fantastic way to get help when you don't have access to your fantastic teachers! visit Khan Academy for free online tutoring in various subject areas. You get access to video tutorials to get  the clarification you need when a teacher isn't around.

Mt. San Antonio College
Mt. SAC High School Program is offering a math tutoring option at Mt. SAC for students who are taking math at their local high school and need extra assistance.  Students (and their parents if they're under 18) simply need to come to the High School Office in Building 30 to enroll.

March 2 Success
An online, self-paced course designed to improve your performance on standardized tests while enhancing your math, science, English and STEM skills. This program is provided by the U.S. Army, and it is available 24/7, it's free, and there is no obligation. Go to March2Sucess and click the registration button and answer a few questions. Registration is valid for 180 days, and it can be extended if more time is needed.